We are a church that believes in Jesus,

loves God & serves people!

We are a group of regular people who have a heart for authentic worship,
are passionate about the local church.
We are on a mission to see God’s kingdom established across the earth.
W H A T   W E   D O 

Our Church

Our Vision: We see a multicultural and multi-generational church full of loving people who are growing into the likeness of Christ and making an impact in the world.


Our Mission: We exist to help people become committed followers of Jesus through inspiring worship, relevant messages, and real relationships. We exist to help people become committed followers of Jesus through inspiring worship, relevant messages, and real relationships!  

Playing Guitar Christian Stock Photo

Serve the Church

The Gospel is enacted through the local church all across the world. The church is us: people who love Jesus serving others by parking cars, holding babies, to praying with others, pouring coffee, and opening their homes.


Serve the City

We are committed to our local community and we seek to build relationships and partnerships where we can work alongside the work God is already
doing in our city.

Serve the World

We believe God has called us to be a church that follows Him by turning our hearts and focus to global communities by serving our neighbors where they are.
You matter to God!
find your focus!

ALFC full of people
that believe in Jesus!
We are a church that loves God and people.
& Beliefs
Click here to read
“Jesus came that we might experience life to the full – John 10:10). We are passionate about introducing people to Jesus.”

Pastor Jim Herring

God wants us to be successful! Click here to listen to a great message from Pastor Jim!

Trust God

What do you do when you pray and pray, and the answer just does not seem to come?  This is something we all must deal with from time to time.  How we respond often determines the result. Sometimes when we pray, instead of keeping our eyes on God we focus on the problem. Maybe we pray, then we decide how God should work in that situation. We make plans A, B, C, and D just in case God does not move or we run ahead of God instead of patiently waiting for Him to work. This can create bigger problems. When we don’t understand why things are not coming together as we think they should have the opportunity to make a choice. We can choose to remain strong in God and hold fast to His word or, we can lose faith in God and just go through the motions of Christianity. 
When the circumstances in your life seem to be in direct opposition to your prayers, that is no time to quit believing God. When we do not know why things are going wrong, we have to stand firm, we can’t allow circumstances to determine what we believe. We must take our eyes off the circumstances or what we perceive to be true and put them back on God and His promises. 
Our belief comes from the Word not from what is happening around us. 
2 Corinthians 4:18 – while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal. NKJV
Our job as believers is to believe God’s word and plant it into our hearts. We do that by getting His Word before our eyes and ears, that’s how it gets into our hearts. 
Romans 10:17 – So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. NKJV
There are always going to be things that we do not understand or that we are not sure about but we can’t let that keep us from believing in God. 
1 Corinthians 13:12 – For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. NKJV

Even though we do not see everything in this life clearly, God does and we can still hold onto His Word as a source of truth. You need to make a quality decision that you are going to keep and retain the Word of God in your heart no matter what the circumstances are.  Keep your faith in God and trust Him no matter what. If you are feeling confused, tell God that you do not understand the situation but that you are choosing to trust Him and you are giving Him full charge of whatever is going on.  

Proverbs 3:5-6 – Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. NKJV

You keep your eyes on God and expect Him to deliver you from your troubles. God is faithful and He will never let you down! 

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Contact Info

Abundant Life Family Church


Join us at our temporary location:
Hampton Inn Meeting Room

13600 North Freeway, Ft Worth Texas 76177


Mailing Address

PO BOX 80260

Keller, Texas 76244

Email: ps@abundantchurch.org