Nearly everyone is aware of the extremely high divorce rate in our nation. Between the pressures of life, faulty modeling, and evil influences, many marriages have been damaged, broken, and destroyed. God has a better plan! 
God instituted marriage in the beginning of creation when He placed Adam and Eve together. He intended for marriage to be a sacred union where love, encouragement and friendship reside. 
At Abundant Life, we provide a place where married couples can learn better skills to help them keep the flame of love burning strong. It is our desire that married couples find support, friendship and inspiration at Abundant Life. Through spiritual teachings and a variety of fellowship opportunities, we strive to provide an atmosphere conducive to marital growth and happiness. We offer a variety of events and activities to help our couples grow.
Some of the things we offer include:
Marriage Conferences, Couples Small Groups, Special Events, Sermons that address marital issues, Bookstore resources and more.